Tuesday, 27 March 2012

Evaluation - Question 4

Evaluation - Question 4

Who would be the audience for your media product?

The target audience for my music magazine would be male and females aged between 16-24; I chose this age bracket as by these ages people have already developed the genre of music they prefer to listen to therefore, by targeting my magazine at these ages would mean my magazine reaches the full interest of my target market. In addition, at these ages the majority of them will have similar social habits, such as attending events like festivals and gigs – as a result, my magazine will be a great interest to them as a large part of my magazine does focus on such events e.g. backstage at gigs, and competitions to win tickets to festivals. 

I targeted the magazine at both males and females, therefore subverting the stereotypical view that only males buy music magazine, as a result my magazine targets a much wider audience as opposed to a smaller market of just males. I marketed it at both males and females as both genders enjoy the genre of indie/rock and I believe they would find the contents within my magazine interesting as all of which surround this genre. To highlight this I used a colour scheme of black, maroon, and white as these colours would appeal to both genders, in addition I included images, articles, bands etc that would engage both a male and female market. 

The social class that would suit my music magazine would be B-D as I believe this particular social class would be able to afford my magazine which is priced at £1.99 (released every week), this also means my magazine is good value for money as it includes suitable and a good standard of content within the magazine which will be released every week - however other social classes will also be able to buy my magazine if they wanted as the content included could still appeal to them. 

My magazine would appeal to people to who attend School or University as my magazine would be regularly used for escapism from everyday life – this links into the ‘Uses and Gratifications Theory’. To illustrate this through my music magazine the model I have used is of a similar age to my readers and embraces the indie/rock style.

The psychographic audience of my magazine would be ‘achievers’ and ‘succeeders’ as the articles included are about new and upcoming artists that are breaking into the indie/rock genre; as a result, a lot of my audience will use the magazine as a source of inspiration to succeed and achieve their goals. The target audience would also be very individual as the indie genre itself is a very individual music genre e.g. the artists aren’t to mainstream.

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