Monday 24 October 2011

Week Four - Diary

Diary Entry - Week Four
This week I have been focusing on my magazine proposal. The proposal firstly included the type of magazine I wanted to create - therefore I began by explaining the type style I wanted my magazine to incorporate, I then went on to the colours that I will use in my magazine (black, grey/silver, black - to directly link in to my genre of indie/rock). The next points that followed included my target audience (I discussed the reasoning for my choice e.g. why I chose 16 - 24), the competition I would face from other magazines (e.g. NME, Q), it also included my chosen business features e.g. the price for my magazine and why I want it at that price, what type of subscriptions will be available to my reader. I lastly explained why I thought my music magazine will be successful (e.g. what I will offer to make sure my readers continuously come back to buy the magazine). 

Addition to this, this week I also created a mood board which included a variety of images to do with my genre of indie/rock the images included, the style, interests etc.. of my possible readers. This is helpful as it helps me understand what type of things interest my readers - it will also help me when I come to do my photo shoot as I will now take the style of my model in to consideration.

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